I was performing DPPH assay taking ascorbic acid as a posititve control. I found that many of the articles have expressed their values in mainly three categories; Ascorbic acid equivalent, percentage inhibition and IC50. While I was carrying out the procedure I tried with few methods and according to the principle of DPPH assay my assumption was that whatever the concentration of DPPH is used, while performing it do not affect the final calculation of percentage inhibition as percentage inhibition depends upon absorbance of conntrol(Only DPPH and solvent) and absorbance of sample assayed. But I carried out two experiments taking two different DPPH concentrations one 0.004% and another 0.02% in methanol solvent. I found that the initial absorbance at 515nm for 0.004%DPPH is 0.642 and for 0.02%DPPH is 3.280. After addition of 50microlitre of 200microgram/ml ascorbic acid to 800microlitre of DPPH in both cases and incubated at dark for 30mins, I found that the absorbance decreased to 0.108 and 2.334 respectively for 0.004%DPPH and 0.02% DPPH. When percentage inhibition was calculated it was found that there was vast difference 83% and 28%.
So, following the same protocol but only changing DPPH concentration changes the percentage inhibition? If so evaluating the assay in terms of percentage inhibiton and also IC50 is good? Or it is best to evaluate in terms of Ascorbic acid equivalent as it is not affected by above mentioned problem.