04 January 2019 3 5K Report


I generated the phylogenetic tree below with PhyML (Approximate Likelihood-Ratio Test: SH-like) at www.phylogeny.fr.

I have read that support values indicate the degree to which one can be confident that the branch represents some "signal" present in the data. In other words, these values indicate how many times out of 100 the same branch was observed when repeating the phylogenetic reconstruction on a re-sampled set of the data.

However, I am a bit confused, since the organisms (for example Q, R, S and T in the tree given below) which are labeled with a support value "0" (zero) belong to the same genus. Why should the branch confidence level be "0" (zero) for organisms belonging to the same genus?!

So, how should I interpret such results?

Thank you in advance!

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