01 January 1970 75 3K Report

Read and hear more about what Randy Schekman and others Noble Laureates have to say about impact factors.


How to increase the visibility and/or citations of your publications? Please advice.

The citations of my papers at the renown journals in the field of my specific research can be found at the link - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cUTV8HkAAAAJ&hl=en

To increase citations of your publications, it is crucial that you know how to promote your own research papers. One of the effective strategies for self-promotion of your published papers are that by sharing your 50 free e-prints with your colleagues and peers, posting about the pdf file of your papers at your ResearchGate or GoogleScholar or your Rietveld mailing list.

Please add your thoughts that are effective strategies to help increase the citations of my research papers.

Those of you who have conducted research for many years and published many good papers at the peer-reviewed journals in the field of your research with high citations, could you please kindly provide your thoughts on how to increase the visibility and citations of your scientific experience. If at all possible, I would like you to provide an example of your own published paper with the highest citation.

Your help and support is highly appreciated.

With best wishes,

Husin Sitepu, PhD


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