We have problems with Trizol RNA preps of purified (negative selection by Miltenyi beads) human CD14+ monocytes. The isolated cells (in the range of 1-5 x 10^6) are hard to pellet (even at high g), subsequent RNA prep w/ Trizol does not yield visible RNA pellets during the precipitation step. I used column-based kits (e.g. RNeasy mini by Qiagen) in the past but would prefer to stick to a quick lysis procedure (we do short-term inhibitor kinetics with the cells, thus have to rely on a speedy protocol) such as provided by Trizol. Is this problem due to the generally low amount of total RNA in resting cells? What other (fast) method(s) and/or combo protocols could we use that avoid RNA precipitation or lengthy lysis and homogenization steps?

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