I'm using NLOGIT to analyze data from a choice experiment. I have 6 attributes with 2 levels and 1 attribute with 4 levels. I have 3 alternatives. My alternatives are 2 contract types and a status quo.
So basically I had three utility functions. Utility function for the two contracts use all the attributes but utility function for status quo uses only one attribute (income). I was able to estimate the model using both conditional logit and mixed logit. Using mixed logit i found preference heterogeneity. So I tried to interact some socio-economic variables with the attributes. But when I do that I'm getting error 1085. I created the interaction terms before running the new model, but I'm still getting the error. Looks like I'm getting the error if I use more that 8 covariates on the right hand side. Could this be a problem with degrees of freedom? I had only 59 surveys back and each survey had 4 choice sets. So basically in NLOGIT i had 59*4*3 number of rows.
How can I generate the confidence interval for resulting marginal effects using NLOGIT?
Also, I included ASC and interacted age with ASC. But the output gives the coefficient for ASC only not for ASC*age. Is there a way to estimate them separately?
Is it possible to estimate ASC using STATA as well?