My research is TQM in higher education with special references to autonomous colleges I have developed a questionnaire with 65 questions in 4 dimension how to give weightage to each dimension is there an formula to do it.
Why not let the data "do it for you" ex post? Try using exploratory factor analysis or principal components analysis over the 65 questions and N responses and see what PCA pulls out as linearly uncorrelated variables of a manageably smaller lower dimensional set. You might find that your original 4 dimensions change (increase, decrease, or change their constituent questions)?
Alternatively, use an expert panel to put ex ante weights on the categories of questions (i.e. over your 4 pre-specified dimensions). That's tricky, because it assumes you got the information structure right both as to type of categories, weights of categories, constituent questions within each category and finally equal weighting of questions within each category. That's an awful lot of structure to assume!
Together with factor/PCA analysis you can use reliability tests/Cronbach alpha to test scale reliability. Read more in and
Check the validity of questionnaire, and reliability doing exploratory analysis PCA/factor analysis. This will converge your dimensions to pertinent ones. You can do it manually, or better use a statistical software, which give speedier outputs, and more importantly graphical ones.
This analysis must be complimented using some quality tools. The nputs (as data, or weights) may be generated again by quality techniques.
It is always wiser to use more than one, or better modes like Triangulation to solicit sufficiency in analysis/ study