I suggest to minimize the conc. of the primers to F: 0.3, R1: 0.2 and R2: 0.1.
Also i think lowering the MgCl2 conc. to 1.5 can be beneficial. Please let me know the results. We have used this approach for setting up our multiplex for 7 target genes and it worked.
I suggest to minimize the conc. of the primers to F: 0.3, R1: 0.2 and R2: 0.1.
Also i think lowering the MgCl2 conc. to 1.5 can be beneficial. Please let me know the results. We have used this approach for setting up our multiplex for 7 target genes and it worked.
Dear Reza Raoofian, i am not getting any non -specific bands, only a smear is there. i have attached the gel image. the Tm of the primers is 66 degrees. i am loading 5 microliters sample per well.
When I say quality, I mean, run it on a gel or even better in a bioanalyzer chip before you do your PCR...You should see if it is fragmented before you use it. Good quality DNA normally is showing a smear above 5 kbp. If you have a smear bellow 1kbp, try to purify it again with a column purification kit (assuming that you have enough DNA to do so...)
to me the gel looks as if the smear is from your master mix maybe? What is in left bottom lane (left from the DNA ladder)? I am not so familiar with Multiplex PCR - however the lanes with no clear band look as if a primer is missing/not binding resulting in linear amplification. Did you try the primers also for linear amplification - decrease annealing temperature to 50 or 55 degrees? This might help you if one primer is the problem.
Dear Alexander Dennig, the left bottom lane is a negative control without the DNA template. the tm of the primer is 64 and 63. i am using a touch down PCR from 64 to 60 degrees. i am getting the desired band, just the problem is about the smear.
Dear Yanuar, after decreasing the cycles from 35 to 30, the bands are getting fainter. i need dark bands with no smear...i am trying a lot of modifications still i am not getting the right match.