Hello everyone

My pcr was doing just fine for few months till about 3 weeks ago I started to get smears in all my samples and positive and negative controls as well.

I'm preparing my reaction with filter tips, I've cleaned all my pipettes extensively with ethanol and tried fresh stocks of all components (ultra pure water, dNTPs mix, Q5 buffer, primers, GC enhancer and polymerase) including new primers ordered from manufacturer.

It's not getting better and I'm running out of options. I even ordered completely new primers with different sequence. To rule out the possibility that something had gone wrong with my gDNA template I performed a pcr with different primer pair with shows no smears.

Please note that smear is in negative control with suggests that it's not genomic DNA concentration or contamination being a problem. I'm using Q5 polymerase from NEB.

My conditions: 98C 30s, (98C 10s, 66C 30s, 72C 30s)x40 72C 2min I'm amplifying 700 bp product. I experimented with 2 min initial denaturation with no effect.

Any tips will be much appreciated.

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