Hello dear colleges!
Well, I have this issue that are driving me crazy. Im trying to amplify COI Folmer Tailed HCO/LCO primers for Barcoding, but I have this faint bands (Attached file). I already try changing the Thermal Cycler (in fact I already used three different thermal cyclers), PCR conditions, PCR program, Quantity of DNA, Quantity of primers, MgCl, temp grad, and more... The DNA is working because I already amplified 12S and 16S
Other thing is that I don't know why my ladder is faint too, I already bought a new one and is the same, I used another power supply and different % of agarose and nothing change, we are using Et-Br, because we're out of gelred stock.
Any suggestion?? I'm little stressed about this :(
Thank you everybody!