13 Questions 42 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alejandro Gonzalez-Treviño
Hello everybody! Well, I have this topic, about this "new" tech magnetic bead to enhance the DNA extraction. For that ones who didn't know about this new tech, I understand that is a magnetic...
10 October 2017 4,697 0 View
Hello dear friends. I have done several PCRs using COI Variant primers (very long COI primers... 45pb Forward, 44pb Reverse), they have like 5-8 degenerated nucleotides that we made for specific...
03 March 2017 7,906 1 View
Hello dear colleges! Well, I have this issue that are driving me crazy. Im trying to amplify COI Folmer Tailed HCO/LCO primers for Barcoding, but I have this faint bands (Attached file). I already...
08 August 2016 9,589 5 View
Hello dear researchers! Well, I have a little issue about how to run a dendrogram using a binary character matrix (1 = present 0 = absent) with the software MESQUITE 3.04. I already ran a UPGMA...
12 December 2015 3,803 3 View
Hello everybody! Well I updated my OS X to a "El Capitan" and MEGA 6.0 is not working anymore... I use MEGA to teach about phylogenetic and Bioinformatics to some students and since I updated the...
10 October 2015 3,581 2 View
Hello friends! I have a "strange" question. I'm performing some plots using [R]Studio and I have a little problem, I need to add to my plots (because a journal reviewer tell me to add them) the...
09 September 2014 7,716 1 View
I was using column base protocol, but I don't have more buffer for it, but a lot of columns so, how can I make my own buffers? This is because I need to purify my DNA and I don't have time to wait...
08 August 2014 5,497 2 View
I have a dumb question, I'm performing a Weight-Length Relation Model, but I have a little problem. My Length data its two numbers per organism. for...
05 May 2014 6,824 7 View
Hello dear friends. Well, we finally standardized GelRed dye and we want to decontaminate all the working area. We know that there is some protocols to follow to do this, but we don't know what...
05 May 2014 1,354 14 View
I'm looking for a R Software package to run a Transversion model (TVM + I + G) and Transition model (TIM2 + I + G), but I can't find if there is such a package to do this. Is there a package...
05 May 2014 9,744 5 View
Well, I have a little problem. I'm trying to make some Clusters and when I run the pvclust of my archive, there appears an error... 1:inappropriate distance matrices are omitted in computation: r...
03 March 2014 898 8 View
I asked to the scientific support representative of Promega Corp. and she told me they didn't check their equipment already to extract DNA from plants, and there is no support for it at the moment...
02 February 2014 1,702 0 View
I have a small issue regarding the Axygen MaxyGene thermal cycler we have in the lab. In an article they used a program with 2 different packs of cycles (Initial 94ºC, 3min;[94ºC, 30sec; 60ºC-51ºC...
08 August 2013 1,463 5 View