May be tried in fitting of gamma distribution by software by providing some known values.Gamma distribution may also tried by using the relationship of gamma to some simple distribution.
I would definitely recommend R statistical software for which you can find a plenty of packages that are devoted to fitting different theoretical probability distributions including the method of L-moments (package 'lmomco') or the maximum likelihood estimation (package 'bbmle' wisely combined with some of the packages that include functions dealing with the Gamma's pdf or cdf - e.g. the package 'FAdist').
Note also that there are some other approaches to estimating the parameters of the Gamma distribution. For instance in section 4.4.3 of the following book:
Wilks, D.S., 2011. Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences. Academic Press, Oxford; Waltham, MA.
the author describes the method of ordinary moments and two approximations of maximum-likelihood estimates.
Using method of moments as for Gamma dist E(X)=alpha*beta and V(x) = alpha*beta^2. So get estimates of sample mean and variance of the data you believe follow Gamma dist and replace the sample mean and variance with E(X) and V(X) and solve the resulting equations to estimate alpha and beta of Gamma.
There are 2 methods to calculate and fitting the parameters of statistical distributions; maximum likelihood and L-moment. As I mentioned above is via the "method of moments". But what Sohrab Kolsoumi recommended is "maximum likelihood ".