The UV/Vis spectrum of my AgNP samples show a global curve at around 450-500 nm, which should be attributed to LSPR of silver, but how could I explain this phenomenon without reflective UV/Vis and/or absorbsion UV/Vis spectroscopy? Thanks!
If Reflection can be neglected (that seems to be the case in your experiment, as per the spectrum you show), the above equation reduce to T = 100 - A (T and A in percent units).
Pictorially as you turn the spectrum upside down, you get a (vertically shifted) absorption spectrum that shows a plasmonic band around 420-450 nm, as expected.
Basically what you can do is just to plot the Extinction, that is 100-Transmission, the data you have above. Extinction is the sum of Absorption and Scattering. This way it is more than enough to justify the LSPR in your system.
Also dont forget to substract the data with proper "reference" measurement. Because it seems like you have quite high background signal.