Fabiano Menegidio, Yup... That's what I meant, use taxID as filter.
Is it actually protein sequences you needed, not gene?
You can also try adding efilter:
esearch -db protein -query "target protein" | efilter -query txid"target taxa"[Organism:exp] | efetch -format fasta
EDIT: Also, I guess it would be recommended to limit results by
"cytochrome oxidase subunit 1"[Protein Name]
as you may find unrelated results such as "LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: surfeit locus protein 1 [Astyanax mexicanus]", which has "Cox1" in its Region description:
Region 80..295 /region_name="SURF1" /note="SURF1 superfamily. Surf1/Shy1 has been implicated in the posttranslational steps of the biogenesis of the mitochondrially-encoded Cox1 subunit of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV). Cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV), the terminal electron-transferring...; cd06662" /db_xref="CDD:119401"