In ayurveda the feeling of A-rati or uneasiness is described as Jwara or Fever.It is also said that all the diseases are caused due to low digestive power(mandagni).It is described that all diseases are caused by low digestive power.In majority diseases infection is the cause and fever is the primary symptom which occurs.So fevers should never be ignored.
Lexicons of Charaka and Vagbhata which are written centuries ago have the description and details of diseases ,its causes,effects and treatment for the same.
A disease is the sum of the abnormal phenomena displayed by a group of living organisms in association with a specified common characteristic or set of characteristics by which they differ from the norm for their species in such a way as to place them at a biological disadvantage.
Dis- ease is the opposite to ease. So dis-eases include any factors which produce dis-ease and of course this includes our thought patterns, particularly those that have an emotional component. My first paper was on the effects of our emotional thoughts on our body ... but I did not extend my analysis to include disease. But traditional medicine will tell you if you are perpetually angry, this emotional will probably effect your liver.
Good luck - Tina
Article Emotions Including Anger, Bodily Sensations and The “Living Matrix”