07 March 2016 6 734 Report

Dear all,

I am currently validating an optimized duplex qpcr assay with various samples. The target primers and internal control primers specificity was tested and no cross reaction was detected. Standard curve has been generated using gDNA followed by melt curve analysis. Dissociation curve show me two significant curve, Tm1= 74.5 Tm2= 80.5 (Att1). No primer dimer was detected.

Thing getting wrong when I tested with blind samples. The peak seemed sleepy and broad at one site (Att2). Some of them gave a peak at Tm= 76.5 instead of 74.5(Att3). But when I ran the products in native page, only a single band at correct position were observed. So I assume no extra product was amplified. Anyone know what is happening to the peak?

Please share wit me if you have any thought.

Thank you.

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