09 September 2017 5 588 Report

Dear All,

I have been using 6S atmospheric correction model for the estimation of surface reflectance for different features. But this time I need surface radiance instead of surface reflectance for further use. Is it possible that the surface reflectance estimated using 6S model can be converted to surface radiance?

Just like we can convert the Top of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance into TOA radiance (using the following equation) for Landsat sensors (TM/ETM+), is it possible that we can also convert the surface reflectance into surface radiance?

ρλ = π x Lλ x d2 / ESUNλ x cos θs


ρλ= Planetary TOA reflectance [unitless]

π= Mathematical constant equal to ~3.14159 [unitless]

Lλ= Spectral radiance at the sensor's aperture [W/(m2 sr μm)]

d= Earth–Sun distance [astronomical units]

ESUNλ= Mean exoatmospheric solar irradiance [W/(m2 μm)]

θs= Solar zenith angle [degrees]

Reference: Chander, G., Markham, B.L., Helder, D.L., 2009. Summary of current radiometric calibration coefficients for Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+, and EO-1 ALI sensors. Remote Sens. Environ. 113, 893–903. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. rse.2009.01.007

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