I am modeling bacterial growth using a logistic growth function:
X' = μX(1-N/κ),
where B' is the increment in bacterial population, μ the specific growth rate, N the total bacterial density, and κ the carrying capacity.
I would like to use the Gompertz model, instead, but I am not sure if I can use the parameters of the logistic model. The parameters for the Gompertz are:
L(t) = AᴮCexp(-e(-B(t-M)))
L(t) is the log of the number of bacteria at time ‘t’ (in hour);
A is the asymptotic log of number of bacteria as ‘t’ decreases indefinitely;
C is the asymptotic amount of growth (log number) that occurs as ‘t’ increases indefinitely;
M is the time (in hour) at which the absolute growth rate is at maximum;
and B is the relative growth at time ‘M’.
What parameters of the logistic can I use in the Gompertz model? Is A = κ, for instance?
Thank you