I have conducted a meta-analysis of prevalence rates using metaXL. There was a large amount of heterogeneity in the studies so I now need to look at (categorical) moderating variables. I have found information on how to conduct meta regression using metaXL and Stata, however, as I am learning this independently, I would benefit from guidance and help from those more experienced in this area.

I have been using a very helpful guide from Dr Janni Leung which was adapted from the metaXL manual (thank you for putting this together) which using the 'regress' command rather than 'meta regress' as I have seen in other tutorials. Is 'regress' used instead of 'meta regress' as the data is pooled prevalence rates rather than effect sizes?

I am also unsure on how to interpret the results of the regression in Stata. For example, if I obtained the following results wherein the moderator variable is the age of participants used (1=children, 2=adults):

regress t_es ib1.age_cat [aweight=weight]

(sum of wgt is .9999999962747097)

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 35

-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 33) = 3.65

Model | 1.60554213 1 1.60554213 Prob > F = 0.0647

Residual | 14.5030012 33 .439484885 R-squared = 0.0997

-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0724

Total | 16.1085434 34 .473780687 Root MSE = .66294


t_es | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


2.age_cat | .5677437 .297039 1.91 0.065 -.0365866 1.172074

_cons | 1.325804 .1231352 10.77 0.000 1.075283 1.576324


Would this result be telling me there is a non-significant difference between studies involving children and studies involving adults in the reported prevalence rates (by looking at the Prob>F value)? E.g. age of participants does not significantly effect the amount of heterogeneity in the prevalence rates? Does the Adj R-Squared tell me that age of participants only explains 7% of the variance in prevalence rates? Does the coefficient value indicate that as the prevalence rates in children increases by 1, the prevalence in adults increases by 0.57?

Any guidance or clarification would be greatly appreciated!

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