12 December 2018 10 8K Report

Hello fellow colleagues and scientists,

we want to determine the purity of our Protein A purified human antibodies via SDS-PAGE. We observe only one band at 150kDa in the non-reduced SDS-PAGE as we would expect it.

In the reduced SDS-PAGE on the other hand we see bands for all the different antibody fragments, which hints to an incomplete reduction of the disulfide bridges between the fragments. The optimal PAGE would only show the 50kDa and 25kDa bands for the heavy and light chains and nothing else.

As 4x sample buffer we use:

glycerol (30%), tris-base (1M, pH = 6,8 with HCl) (25%), SDS (5%), 2-mercaptoethanol (20%), DTT (400mM), bromophenol blue (0,02%).

Which gives a final reducing agent concentration of 5% 2-mercaptoethanol and 100mM DTT.

We heat the samples for 10 Minutes at 90°C before loading them to the gel. The gels were silver-stained. See them attached.

We also tried alkylation with iodoaceteamide and NEM after and during the heating step, which didn't make a difference at all.

We would be thankful for any hints or suggestions to obtain only the two fully reduced bands of the heavy and light chains from the antibody.

Thanks a lot!

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