For large scale (1000+) building energy models using EnergyPlus, what is the best way to calibrate the models based on annual or monthly electricity and natural gas data?
I have several papers about the electricity demand in residential building. you can use it in my page in research gate.
M.A.Ehyaei, M.N.Bahadori," Selection of Microturbines to meet electrical and Thermal Energy Needs of Residential Buildings in Iran", Energy and Buildings (2007), 39 pp.1227–1234
M.A. Ehyaei, A. Mozafari,” Energy, economic and environmental (3E) analysis of a micro gas turbine employed for on-site combined heat and power production”, Energy and Buildings (2010) 42 259–264. r-�/����+
M.A. Ehyaei, A. Mozafari, A. Ahmadi, P. Esmaili, M. Shayesteh, M. Sarkhosh, I. Dincer,” Potential use of cold thermal energy storage systems for better efficiency and cost effectiveness”, Energy and Buildings (2010) 42 pp. 2296–2303.
G.R. Ashari, M.A. Ehyaei, A.Mozafari, F.Atabi, E. Hajidavalloo, S. Shalbaf, “Exergy, economic and environmental analysis of a PEM fuel cell power system to meet electrical and thermal energy needs of residential buildings”, ASME Journal of fuel cell Technology (2012) 9 pp.211-222.
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M.A.Ehyaei,P.Ahmadi,F.Atabi,M.R.Heibati,M.Khorshidvand” Feasibility study of applying internal combustion engines in residential buildings by exergy,economic and environmental analysis “, Energy and Building (2014), 55(12) pp.405-413.
You can follow the recommendations of the ASHRAE Guideline 14: Measurement of Energy, Demand, and Water Savings. This is one of the criteria that EnergyPlus uses for calibration in Openstudio platform.