I am using Edinburg Instruments FS5( photon counting) where i can get the amplitude datas from the Fluoracle Sowftware? or suggest me to someother software to fetch the amplitude date as well as measure average life time from t1 and t2
Can you simply get the raw decay ASCII and the raw IRF ASCII?
If so, you can simply use Matlab (or other) to fit a convolution of a theoretical bi-exponential function with your experimental IRF to your experimental decay?
i(t) = sum{a(j)*exp[-t/tau(j)]}
where a(j) and tau(j) are your amplitude and lifetime components,
Then minimize the following function:
{conv [i(t), IRF(t)] - I(t)}
where IRF(t) and I(t) are your experimental IRF and decays.
One free matlab code that allows you to perform the fit is called DecayFit (http://www.fluortools.com/software/decayfit), however it is very easy to implement.
you can draw your datas in ORIGINpro software. then fitting with bi exponential function. the result will give out the AMPLITUDE AND LIFETIME. GOOD LUCK.
YOU click on your plotted curve, then click ANALYSIS-> FITTING-> EXPONIENTIAL FITTING then you can chose single, bi, or three exponential funtion for fitting.
Regarding the last recommendation, this is good only if you perform a "tail fit" (fitting the decay after the rise time. This procedure is approximate and is good in cases where both your two lifetime components are longer relative to your IRF. The best approach is to reconvolute your IRF with the theoretical bi-exp function.