I'm working with a validation dataset, testing 7 previous SNP association. A few of these SNPs is validated as associated with a binary phenotype of interest.
Now I want to calculate the amount of phenotype variance that is explained by these SNPs.
I would like to calculate the amount of phenotype variance explained by
a) all 7 SNPs in the validation cohort
b) the few SNPs that are significant in the validation cohort only
I'm particularly interested in knowing how to carry out this calculation in "Stata" software.
Secondly, the SNPs also associates with a similar phenotype, however, a phenotype explained by a numeric scale - does this change the method?
I have read the article by Wray et al. Pitfalls of predicting complex traits from SNPs…however, i'm still not sure about how to calculate this heritability.
I hope someone can guide me?