As carriers are accelerated in an electric field their velocity will begin to saturate at high enough electric fields. This effect has to be accounted for by a reduction of the effective mobility since the magnitude of the drift velocity is the product of the mobility and the electric field component in the direction of the current flow. The following Caughey and Thomas expression [10] is usually used to implement a field-dependent mobility that provides a smooth transition between low-field and high field behavior: 1/ 0 0 () 1 n n n n n n sat E E v β β µ µ µ − = + (13) 1/ 0 0 () 1 p p p p p p sat E E v β β µ µ µ − = + (14) where E is the parallel electric field and µn0 and µp0 are the low field electron and hole mobilities respectively. The low field mobilities are either set explicitly on the MOBILITY statement or calculated by one of the low field mobility models.
Thank you for the response Hadi Jabbar Alagealy . I want to calculate the highlighted parameter shown in the image. I think it is calculated manually but I am not sure about it.