Hello, I made some measurements using a UV-vis spectrometer at intervals of 5 minutes to see the degradation of a resazurin dye by TiO2 under UV light. I did not repeat these measurements. How can I calculate the error in the results?
you must determine the actual amount of light (light intensity) which reached to catalyst solution and the optimum amount of catalyst because that leads to screen effect...
Of course, there is unable to repeat your resultal data. The results are irreproducible, because of the error contribution of the quantitative treatment of the UV-pattern to the integral intensity values is very high.
Please, consider the following discussions. Despite that they are with respect to the capability of FS based quantification, the limitations of both UV-VIS and FS methods to quantify highly reliable analytes are the same.
Currently, reliable results can be obtained only by mass spectrometry within our innovative stochastic dynamic theory and model formulas which we have presented more recently. Details can be found in the reference section to the show discussions.