I have 3 experimental conditions, as well as a control. Each of these 4 conditions has 3 biological replicates. When performing the qPCR, each biological replicate was run in triplicate (technical replicates). My qPCR experiment was simple: looking at a gene of interest, compared to a single housekeeping gene. Using the delta-delta CT method, at what stage should I be averaging for each condition? How should I be calculating the standard deviation?

Would I average all the technical replicate CT values for COND1.1, and treat that as a distinct condition? Or, would I average all the technical and biological replicate CT values for COND1? Would I average the technical replicate CT values for COND1.1 at the beginning, and then average our their final expression values? But then, how would I decide which biological replicate of the CONTROL would be the normaliser, without introducing bias? At which stage with the final presented SD be calculated?

I have analysed the data about 4 times now, with my lab unable to come to a consensus on these questions, so I am hoping to gather further insight.

Thank you!

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