19 November 2019 3 528 Report

We are currently trying to perform spectral analysis on blood pressure with matlab. The device we used(Caretaker, Biopac) provides time position and amplitude of the peak according to the PDA model. The inter-peak interval was calculated by subtracting the time position of successive peak.

However, the interval between peaks were not uniform. We found that the process called interpolation should be performed before using FFT. So, instead of using FFT, we tried Lomb-Scargle periodogram(Reference: https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/examples/spectral-analysis-of-nonuniformly-sampled-signals.html). The problem is, we don’t know how to calculate the blood pressure variability of interested bandwidth based on Lomb-Scargle periodogram. As a quick fix, we used trapz function on matlab to integrate the area under the curve of interested bandwidth.

But we are not sure about the validity of analyzing process. Is it OK to use trapz function on matlab to calculate the BPV of interested bandwidth on Lomb-Scargle periodogram?

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