We should not only study: morphology, chemistry, physics of nanoparticles. One of the most important factors for NPs to be suspended or resuspended is density. How to measure the amount of suspended NPs then considering the density?
Given that specific surface area (SSA) in m2/g (or m2/kg in SI units) is density dependent (conversion from m2/m3 for example) and that many processes such as dissolution are controlled by the SSA then, in addition to settling time considerations, we need to be careful in defining 'nano' as > 60 m2/g (this applies to unit density only).
And certainly density affects the movement of particles into the lungs (keuhkot for our Finnish readers). See:
The relationship between particle size, shape and particle entry to the lungs
Yes, Nanoparticle toxicity is dependent on so many factors_type, shape, size, charge, functional groups, concentration and state of dispersion in the medium. This is a challenging situation and well illustrated in the link below.