09 September 2018 6 1K Report

My experimental protocol is as follows:

I have two groups:

- CTL group (sleep and wake ad libitum), rats euthanized in six different ZTs --> ZT0, ZT4, ZT8, ZT12, ZT16 e ZT20.

Sleep Deprivation group (SD) --> Same Zts as described above.

I performed gene expression by real time PCR using the 2- deltaCt method. Then, I analyzed the data using one way-ANOVA for each group.

When there was statistical significance, I analyzed using COSINOR (El Temps software) as below:



ZT0 group mean

ZT4 group mean

ZT8 group mean

ZT12 group mean

ZT16 group mean

ZT20 group mean


ZT0 group mean

ZT4 group mean

ZT8 group mean

ZT12 group mean

ZT16 group mean

ZT20 group mean

Is that correct? Is there a way to include standard deviations in this analysis?

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