I guess you want to calculate the band gap of semiconductor? Just google for a analysis procedure called "TAUC PLOT". Its easily done - if you have a powder scattering cell for your UV-VIS (e.g. in a praying mantis setup) you can measure the diffuse reflectivity of your sample and of a white reference e.g. a material called spectralon (I think BaSO4 is also a standard material). Then you devide both Reflective spectra like Ri=Rsample/Rspectralon for all wavelength and caclulare the so called "Kubelka-Munk-Transformation" F(R)=(1-Ri)^2/(2*Ri) (just google for it for more details). This F(R) you can then use for calculating the TAUC plot and using a linear approximation in the linear regime you can find the band gap at the intersect of your plot with the x-axis which is plotted as h*v.