The answer to your question depends on what your definition of "fine" is.
Your size distribution suggests that the sample is very poly-disperse, and in effect, all measurable sizes might exist. It is possible that several specific sizes exist within your sample but your measurement was not able to resolve it.
A possible issue to be aware of is that the results from DLS might not be entirely informative if your sample has anisotropy, which I would expect for a graphene suspension.
Could you share an example of a correlogram that you measured and it might be possible to offer more insight from that?
Looking at the figure 4 of the article "Green synthesis of graphene and its cytotoxic effects in human breast cancer cells" by Gurunathan et al. International Journal of Nanomedicine 8:1015-1027 (2013) your results seem reasonable. Their peak is about 2-3 microns, yet not as polydisperse as your graph indicates.
Article Green synthesis of graphene and its cytotoxic effects in hum...