I have difficulty doing long-term live cell imagine (two kinds of primary cells together) with incucyte, I've tried transfect ingthem with GFP but didn't work. Could you suggest something else? Anyone has experience?
Dear Zheng, m-cherry is more appropriate than GFP when long term imaging is aimed. It has more half-life and photo stability. So you'd better to use m-cherry vector transfected cells.
Zheng Tan what is the problem? Your cell is not in good condition after few weeks or the GFP signal is gone in week X? If you transfected the cell with plasmid, they will be eventually degraded after few weeks. Try use lentivirus or AAV for long stable GFP expression.
If you just need bright-field scans then check out the Dutch company CytoSMART. Their "Omni" model might be just what you need for such long term visualization. I have seen it in a demo setup and it has some amazing functions. (And no, I don't work for them ;) )