Talent, self-confidence, criticality and creativity are very good virtues to overcome third-party opinion. Using them in a balanced way is possible to ignore third-party opinions and even take advantage of adverse situations to enrich your life.
You can break the link with someone you do not want to be present with him by reducing the deal with and avoid all unnecessary transactions, without having to close the door of social niceties polite in the future.
Every person is entitled to his/her own opinion, and it is human right to have opinions about in favor or against someone. Yes, acknowledge to others' rights, and agree to disagree in a logical, balanced and ethical manner.
Resist the urge to complain to people you do not like. Although you may feel a desire to complain about your frustrations, this may keep others away from you. They may be the friends of this person who does not like or may be tired of listening to the bad things you say about others. If you always complain about someone, you may stay away from friends and colleagues who spend time with them.
Instead of complaining about the person you do not want to be next to, try not to discuss others about that person.
Talk to others about the positive things you enjoy, or you'll be wasting a lot of your time and energy.
How one can develop strength to ignore the opinion of others about him or her?
Following approach can be considered:
Listen & evaluate carefully & openly from all angles on the criticism - if the criticism is positively impacting us we should consider for our own improvement.
If the criticism is not useful to us - make the right decision or do the right thing so that not to negatively impacting others & our own self.
Always remind ourselves we can't stop others from criticizing us - just ensure we are doing the right thing to minimize the lowest cost / risk possible.
I don't ignore legitimate criticism or guidance and especially if it comes from those I respect. Unjust criticism, I typically ignore by smiling or confront it depending on the circumstance and the source.
There is no way to ignore the opinions of others and most of us are struggled sometimes receiving a negative criticism . However, everybody has weakness points and listening to others might be considered a courage , so you might find a hope of a constructive criticism which might benefit you in your work, relationships and businesses.
On the other side, if the criticism is so sharp then its time to use the talent to avoid debates, but listen very well to understand what is going on and say thanks. Now either you respond to deconstruct the feedback or taking a time to reply when the things settled to bring persuaded lines supporting you later.
Life sometimes needs to be ignored Ignore events Ignore people Ignore actions Ignore words, promise yourself to ignore It is not all worth your standing.
There are many things that a person wants to develop in himself, and to improve them in his life, but for several reasons fails to achieve this. When looking at the causes, the problem is trying to develop several things at the same time, And develop one thing at a time and separately, which exposes the person to failure, so when a person to focus the effort to improve the self and develop one thing at a time, allowing himself the opportunity to reach the top and ensure a better life