I grow my positive clones in liquid LB (100 ul) for 3-4 hours until the solution is turbid enough. I want to know how much of the template is sufficient to put in a colony PCR reaction since the concentration of plasmid or DNA template is unknown!
With colony PCR or PCR from a culture the problem is often too much template and never too little. With colony PCR I pick a little bit of colony with pipet tip and put in 100ul water, boil and then use 1ul as template. With culture I spin down about 100ul of cells, resuspend in 100ul of water, boil and use 1ul.
I use an approach like yours (colony in 100 ul with selection- this is key!) but only shake about 1 hour. I use 2 ul as my template for a 20 ul PCR reaction.
Be sure to use selective media for the tiny culture to keep selective pressure or your cells can lose the plasmid.