I am planning an immunoprecipitation experiment using Mouse monoclonal [11C9] to Mannan Binding Lectin/MBL (ab26277) antibody to immunoprecipitate for MBL2 in human serum. There are many protocols online for immunoprecipitation utilising cell cultures, where the recommended amount of cells tends to be 10^6 to 10^7, however not so many that utilise human serum.

Reading online, the optimal total protein load of immunoprecipitation seems to be 1-5 mg/mL, with 0.1 mg/mL being the minimum recommended load. Considering that the normal range for total protein in human serum is 60-83g/L (average: 71.5 g/L), loading 5 mg of total protein for immunoprecipitation would mean I need 69.9 mL. Alternatively, loading the minimum (0.1 mg), I would need 1.395 mL of human serum based on my calculations.

I cannot afford to be using 1.395 mL of human serum in my experiment due to lack of sample volume. I was wondering if anyone can share the amount of human serum they've used for immunoprecipitation before, where it was successful. Thank you in advance.

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