I do not want to know how a nucleotide is composed (general answer to this question), but how many nucleotide-units make up a whole RNA- or DNA-Strang. Thank you.
I agree with Eric, but I am not sure why Aleksandar would like to know this number. For instance, I am working with DMD gene, which is aprox 2.4 Mb long, and my transcript of interest is roughly 14 Kb.
Thus, you will have to determine that for each gene/transcript of interest.
The length of DNA coding regions and the processed mRNA(s) will very depending on the gene, the species and the post-transcriptional splicing. What gene or species are you studying?
I hoped for a non species-specific number in general, thats because i asked for the average number of RNA- and DNA-Strangs which are known at the moment. My intention was to compare the length of an observed Strang with the average of all known Strangs so far. Thank you for your constructive answers.