I kept the plasmid in TE buffer in room temperature, assuming plasmids to be stable. But after 2 months I couldn't transform E. coli. Did I do wrong not storing the plasmid in -20 fridge?
If your plasmid was very pure, then it should have been fine at room temperature for an extended period of time. However if this was a mini prep then the quality does go off with time. Also you would have needed to protect from light to some degree. DNA is stable at 4oC for a very long time. I usually did not store at -20 because repeated freeze thaw cycles is not good for DNA. So if you are storing away without using, then -20 is ok, but the fridge is fine.
@Alejandro - I think based on my experience and papers - plasmid on filter paper is viable for years. 6 years in the case described by paper abstract: Article 200-P: Storage of DNA on filter paper: Quality test on sampl...
I had one stored on paper covert in foil which was 3-4 years old during my MSc. And according to my supervisor back then it is ok for ~10 Years (and more) if stored at a dry, dark and ambient temperature.