Do I need to convert 3D tumorsphere into single cell suspension before the alamarBlue treatment in assay? Or else can I use the intact tumorsphere directly for the alamarBlue treatment? Are there any related published protocols?
Maybe it would be a good idea to compare results of a viability assay with intact vs. dissociated spheres to be sure that you accurate results. The main issue with spheroids is the diffusion of compounds into the core – be it test compounds or reagents to test the viability – and the question is: do the compounds really reach the centre or are you only measuring the effect on the outer layer? Or in this case: Does the increased incubation time allow the alamarBlue to reach the core or is it only converted by the outer and maybe a few more deeper layers?
You could also try the following protocol, which uses Calcein AM and includes the dissociation of the spheroids, and compare the two methods:
Why are you focusing on AlamarBlue as a viability assay? Are you open to using others? Promega has many products dedicated to 3D cell cultures. If I were you, I would have a look there and see if anything seems good. They even have samples for some of their products so you could test some for free too :