Best approach for statistical analysis of intercropped maize+cowpea experiment. Please take a example of any growth parameter such as plant height, number of leaves, LAI, CGR etc. and compare the both ANOVA tables. Thank u.
Dytham, C. 2010. Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologist's Guide.
It should guide you through. Yet, as the access to this book may not be that easy here's the "long story short". First, you should start with normality tests (e.g. Shapiro-Wilk. If data are not normally distributed and sample groups are of different size, you should consider non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis instead of ANOVA. If you have groups of same size you need to check if they are of equal or unequal variance. If yes, you can go with usual single factor ANOVA, if not go with ANOVA but use adjusted Welch F-ratio. If the results are significant, follow up with post-hoc analysis: Turkey HSD in case of equal variance assumed, Games-Howell if equal variance won't be assumed.
My colleague suggested this path when I was analysing my data recently. It follows up the key found within Dytham's book.
Could you please give more information on the experimental design? E.g., what are main plots and subplots? If the main plots are subdivided into subplots this would be a nested design and probably a nested anova should be used. Thanks.
Dr Ronald we have four crop rotations in the main plots i.e. Maize+Cowpea-Oats-Cowpea, Maize-Oats-Mungbean, Maize+cowpea(2:1)-oats-mungbea and Cowpea-oats-cowpea and 5 nutrient management treatments in sub plots I.e. Control, 100% NPK (inorganic, 125% NPK inorganic, 75%NPK+FYM+PGPR, 100%NPK+FYM. The experiment is ongoing under split plot design.