Hello all,

I would like to seek some clarification regarding smooth and rough pipes and subsequently friction factor relations.

As per the moody diagram we have, that in laminar regime friction factor is only affected by Reynolds number while in turbulent regime, at very high Reynolds number it depends only on relative roughness.

If I am correct till here, then I have confusion regarding smooth and rough pipes. As per one of the criteria where smooth pipes are defined as 0 ≤ u*ε/ν ≤ 5, and rough pipes as u*ε/ν > 70, I would like to clarify the following points.

Say for a given relative roughness, ε, depending on friction velocity u*, the pipe may categorized as rough or smooth pipe. In case I have a laminar flow through rough pipe (i.e. velocity is such that Reynolds number is less but criteria of rough pipes u*ε/ν > 70 is met) , how do I decide the friction factor in such case. Will it be still governed linear relation between f.Re and Re??

In other words, is there any effect of roughness in determining the friction factor in laminar regime? As per my understanding in turbulent regime, the friction factor in both is governed by log law, the difference being term used in log in case of smooth and rough pipes)

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