32 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Deewakar Sharma
Hello all, I have come across in literature of CFD modeling of residual ( capillary ) trapping phenomenon in carbon capture and storage that surface tension force and contact angle is considered...
14 December 2021 9,900 0 View
Hello everyone, I have a very naive question. I am working with inhouse code and adapting it for combustion studies ( with flow dynamics ). However, I am unable to find any simple test case to...
25 June 2021 2,541 4 View
Hello, As part of simulation of gases mixture and water, I need to calculate viscosity of the fluid components and I am using relationships proposed by Chung et al. (1988). The irony is while I...
26 February 2021 8,392 5 View
Hello all, I am looking for an method / algorithm/ or logic which can help to figure out numerically whether the function is differentiable at a given point. To give a more clear perspective,...
12 September 2020 6,213 14 View
Hello all, I have a very basic question regarding the presence of interface ( presence of surface tension to be precise) between liquid or gas phase with supercritical phase. For instance,...
06 March 2019 2,511 2 View
Hello, I would like to seek a very simple clarification. I read in the literature for modelling solid-liquid phase transitions, latent heat has been added in the energy equation as L(d.phi./dt) ,...
14 January 2018 2,059 0 View
May someone help in understanding the difference between phase-field method and level-set method? Thank You
04 January 2018 9,580 5 View
Hello all, I am trying to simulate spinoidal decomposition using phase-field method. Most of the literature I could have given equations in dimensionless form. However, I intend to solve them in...
06 November 2017 604 3 View
Hello all, I wish to have some information on type of instability between 2 immiscible fluids. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability ( as per what I understand) is observed in case of 2 immiscible fluids...
18 August 2017 9,578 7 View
Hello all, I am looking for Volume of Fluid model for compressible flows. If I am not wrong, then VOF is single fluid model. May some one suggest some relevant literature for two phase...
28 June 2016 6,203 4 View
Hello all,I have been reading about phase field modelling and I am confused regarding the term capillarity tensor T (defined as picture attached). This term has been represented as K div T in the...
01 April 2016 8,587 3 View
Hello all, I have some doubt regarding shape Gibbs function (or any thermodynamic potential) w.r.t volume (or any Intensive property). Why does near the critical point it has two minima? May...
29 March 2016 7,002 2 View
Hello all, I am trying to study fluid in a container subjected to angular vibration using my own code. I am not able to find any test case to validate the results. As per my results, I get...
27 November 2015 3,159 2 View
Hello all, This is in continuation of previous question wherein I had asked about applications of near-critical fluids. Most of the applications suggested to me were pertaining to chemical...
12 November 2015 6,351 7 View
Hello all I have seen articles where in they have discussed challenges to study near critical fluids especially moving about the critical point, from super to sub critical fluid. Will some one...
18 May 2015 1,336 10 View
Hello all, I am trying to write 2D code for flow between parallel plates using FVM and SIMPLE algorithm in staggered grid. I am having a serious issues with boundary conditions. I am using cell...
03 April 2015 10,102 12 View
Hello all,I would like to seek some clarification regarding smooth and rough pipes and subsequently friction factor relations. As per the moody diagram we have, that in laminar regime friction...
17 November 2014 1,123 15 View
I recently came across a text wherein it was described that for continuum assumption, one of the condition is thermodynamic equilibrium. For thermodynamic equilibrium, high frequency of inter...
12 August 2014 3,635 3 View
I am willing to write my own code to solve NVS for a conjugate heat transfer problem. I have been trying this for a long time but am unable to get it right. I tried to Google but there are no...
16 June 2014 9,754 2 View
I have done a full factorial experiment (using 3 factors) and three center points. The experiment was repeated thrice at main points, overall producing 27 design points. Now analyzing the data, I...
17 March 2014 2,737 9 View
I am doing analysis using FLUENT wherein two fluid streams mix together as follows. In a straight channel there is another inlet at the midway where the second stream of fluid enters (same fluid)...
11 March 2014 4,660 7 View
I am confused regarding some basic relations and their approaches in basic fluid mechanics. I tried to look at these in text but couldn't find appropriate answer. If someone may kindly guide me in...
13 December 2013 2,501 4 View
I am working in area of micro scale heat transfer but there is one question which has puzzled me for long. I have read in several papers that beyond this limits continuum theory is obeyed...
12 December 2013 5,392 4 View
I just came across Total Variation Diminishing schemes, where it has been mentioned that for the scheme to be non-oscillating, the following criteria should be followed: - the scheme should be...
09 October 2013 1,205 1 View
I am trying to write a UDF that executes at the end of convergence to calculate average wall temperature along the length for flow in ducts. For example, consider a rectangular duct, wherein a...
07 October 2013 6,114 7 View
I came across a text in Numerical Heat Tranfer by SV Patanakar that if we know the pressure field we don’t need to incorporate staggered grid arrangement. My question is: Don’t we require...
30 September 2013 9,812 9 View
I am somewhat confused with what is B, H and M in magnetism. Can someone explain their equivalence in terms of electrostatics Bio Savart law gives us B (which I suppose is magnetic field). But I...
30 September 2013 1,199 10 View
This question may seem to be very trivial but I need further clarification. As we know for flow in ducts, we define fully developed hydrodynamic boundary layer when it stops showing any variation...
05 September 2013 9,629 13 View
Can't we have 2D turbulent flow?
29 August 2013 326 17 View
Can someone explain the difference between vortex and eddies? I came across a text where it was mentioned that once fluid flows an obstacle, eddies are formed. Does that mean when there is no...
29 August 2013 1,016 31 View
Hello all, I want to implement Interval Newton Generalized Bisection method to find the root of a non-linear equation. Though I have understood the overall idea ( start with an interval, evaluate...
01 January 1970 5,602 7 View
Hello all, I am searching for research groups working in the area of space debris. I did some search on web and could only find natioanl sapce agencies/companies working in the field but could...
01 January 1970 4,102 8 View