Green exercise is physical activity in outdoor natural spaces and increasingly it has been studied for it's hypothesized specific benefits for health and potential co-benefits for pro-environmental behaviour (Rogerson et al., 2019). This sustainable type of physical activity can occur in a wide range of natural settings from parks to wilderness (Donnelly & MacIntyre, 2019). Evidence for the benefits of green exercise point to the limited literature using robust methodologies (Lahart et al., 2019). Nevertheless, this low-risk nature-based intervention has merits under COVID-19 scenarios where access to many gym and sport facilities are restricted. How have researchers measured frequency, intensity, time, type and setting of green exercise in the past? What inventories are available for this purpose? Are there new and emerging methodological techniques that can advance measurement?


Donnelly A A & MacIntyre, TE (2019). Physical activity in natural settings: Green and blue exercise. NY: Routledge.

The Green Exercise Concept: Two intertwining pathways to health and well-being

M Rogerson, J Barton, J Pretty, V Gladwell

Physical Activity in Natural Settings: Green and Blue Exercise, 73 - 93

Lahart, I., Darcy, P., Gidlow, C., & Calogiuri, G. (2019). The Effects of Green Exercise on Physical and Mental Wellbeing: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(8), 1352.

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