From Jeannerod (2001): "...because all aspects of action appear to be involved during S-states, it seems a logical consequence of this rehearsal of the corresponding brain structures, and specifically the motor structures, that the subsequent execution will be facilitated. The presence of activity in the motor system during S-states would put the action representation in a true motor format, so that it would be regarded by the motor system as a real action. This facilitation would explain various forms of training (e.g., mental training) and learning (e.g., ob- servational learning) which occur during S-states (see Pascual-Leone et al., 1995). (p. S. 108).
What aspects of the model provide explanatory value for the phenomenon of mental practice? If Jeannerod (1994, 2001, 2006) suggests that there is an overlap between overt (executed) action and covert (simulated) action, what degree of overlap would either support or reject simulation theory?