Faith and Skepticism
Faith is a belief held without evidence. The scientific method, a loose collection of procedures of great variety, is based on precisely the opposite concept, as famously declared by Thomas Henry Huxley:
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin."
Many scientists claim to believe in God (and I have even spoken to a few who claim that God has spoken to them ... and fewer, still, who claim that they have actually and physically "seen" God ;-) ... but it is truly a rare occurrence to find a scientist who claims to KNOW there is a God. I myself once thought I had met God ... (when I was a very young person, still a teen-ager, but after learning more about neuroscience in the intervening half-century, I am now certain that was merely an hallucination caused by a certain "magic mushroom" shared with a friend), BUT I am interested in hearing from those who KNOW there is a God ... and hearing their explanation as to WHY and HOW they came to this knowledge. I am NOT interested in a discussion of BELIEFS, or faith in religious texts declaring the existence of a God (or drug-induced or so-called "near-death" or "out-of-body" experiences ... please, no theologians, religionists, "born-again true believers," jihadists, or other forms of fundamentalists preaching their radical religious faith need respond ... PLEASE only healthy, sane, rational, sober people *hee*hee*) ... nor conversely, am I looking for any scientific proofs ... just an honest and simple statement of how and why YOU personally know? Even if it's only based on a conclusive FEELING you have; please do your best to describe that conclusion, and how you came about having it. Thanks!
"I believe in intuitions and inspirations...I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am."
"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
~ Albert Einstein
DISCLAIMERS: My personal belief can probably best be described as agnostic. Agnosticism is the philosophical view that it is unknown (or even, unknowable) whether any deities (god or gods) exist or not. Some people who call themselves "agnostic" say that it is not possible for anyone ever to know if there are any deities or not. Other agnostics, though, say only that they themselves currently do not know if there are any deities. I am the latter type.
I suppose I should add that, personally, I do not KNOW or have FAITH (or believe) that God exists, but I have a strong FEELING that He does ... and I have had many indications and experiences throughout my life that tend to indicate or favor His existence more-than-not (and, yes, undoubtedly due to my upbringing in a family and church and culture of traditional Protestant Christian religious faith, the choice of the male [traditionally authoritarian], proper [respectful], pronoun seems appropriate for me ... though if I should ever meet God, I shall have a very great difficulty stifling my amazement (and perhaps a chuckle ?) that God has a physical (sexually bi-morphic) anthropomorphic form, even-more-so that S/He has chosen to favor one gender over another! ;-)