A more comprehensive way to learn about students' prior knowledge is to give a brief diagnostic pretest-ungraded and anonymous. The diagnostic pretest might include a list of key concepts, facts and figures, or major ideas. Ask students to indicate their familiarity with each topic
Ask questions during class. Give the students time to respond. Try to get a sense of whether students are keeping up by asking questions for which answers require students to apply a given concept or skill to a new context.
Ask students for their questions. Rather than ask, "Do you have any questions?," ask instead "What questions do you have?" This implies that you expect questions and are encouraging students to ask them.
Ask students to write a "minute paper." Just before the end of a class session, ask: "What is the most significant thing you learned today?" and, perhaps in addition, "What question is uppermost in your mind at the end of today's class?" These "minute papers'' should be collected as students leave class. Reading these will help you to evaluate how well your students are grasping the material, and you can respond, if needed, during the next class period.
Ask students to jot down three or four key concepts or real-world connections about a recent topic, then start a class discussion by having students compare their lists.
Ask students to keep a learning journal in which they write, once or twice a week, about things they disagree with or how what they are learning is reflected in other things they read, see, or do. Collect and comment on the learning journals periodically.
In general, the evaluation process is a process in which data are collected in different measurement methods, through which we reach judgments on the effectiveness of the educational work, whether teaching or other, based on our judgments to the efficiency and effectiveness standards that we want to achieve and access.
The lecture is understood when you attend the facilitator of the lecture on the student, as well as that the lecture of the scientific material for the specialization of the student.
The simplest way to evaluate the reaction(benifit) of my lecture by students is to consider the last 15 minutes of the lecture for a quizz. Although this is the optimum way. Another way is through home works.
I certainly wouldn't class my usual audience as students,but what we usually do is to have a post session questionnaire,plus open feedback covering the entire meeting.
When I do talk to students,I always invite feedback after,and questions during the session,and for both types of talk,always try to improve based on feedback and developments in the field.
DR . Anastas Ivanov Ivanov, DR . Nabeel Hameed Al-Saati, DR . Abdulameer A. Al-Mussawi, DR . Dmytro Leshchenko, DR . Ademolawa Michael Adedipe, DR .Zainab A Makawi, DR . Mohd Rafi mohd solleh, DR . Ian Ewart, DR . Mohanad Hazim, DR .Hajer Essa, DR . Piotr T. Nowakowski
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