I’m trying to analyze insoluble proteins from mouse brain. Basically, I extract with RIPA, then take the pellet that’s left over and extract with a urea buffer (7M urea, 2M thiourea, 4% CHAPS, 30 mM Tris, pH 8.5).

When I do a Western blot, the RIPA fractions run perfectly, but some of the wells with urea fractions streak out on the blot (lane 6, ponceau #1 attached, all lanes contain urea fractions from different mice). The streaking occurs from when the proteins first start to enter the gel. The most of the loading buffer is pulled into the gel, and some of the protein stays in the well in trickles out in a line from the center of the well.

One time, I loaded each urea fraction in 2 different gels at the same time. A fraction would run fine in one gel, and then the exact some fraction from the same tube would streak in the other gel in the same rig.

I’m using 4-12% Bis Tris NuPAGE 15 well gel, 1X MOPS SDS NuPAGE running buffer, and NuPAGE LDS sample buffer. I run at 100V for 30 min then 150V for 45 min.

After playing around with different ratios of protein in urea, distilled water, and 4x LDS sample buffer, it seems 5 uL of each of the aforementioned seems to work best. However, I’m still seeing some streaking, and the even lanes that aren’t streaking don’t seem to be running perfectly (ponceau #1).

Other things I’ve learned:

If I bring the LDS sample buffer to 2x final concentration, the loading buffer looks like it’s coming out of the sides of the wells as it enters the gel and there is strong banding on the sides of each lane (ponceau #2 attached).

Bolt gels are absolutely terrible. Every lane streaks out when I run the samples on a bolt gel.

Any advice or guesses as to what may be happening would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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