I have been doing cell culture experiments that involve treating the cells with estradiol (E2). There are many papers published that state these cells are responsive to estrogen. The problem is that I have not seen a single effect of E2, so I am wondering if I am doing something wrong technically. My colleague taught me how to culture cells with E2 with a specific protocol. Here is my protocol:

1. remove vial of E2 from -80C dissolved in DMSO, 10,000X conc.

2. thaw and vortex the tube for 30 seconds.

3. Dilute to 1000X in fresh DMSO, vortex 30 seconds again.

4. Add 3ul to 3ml phenol-red free medium with charcoal stripped FBS, for a final conc. of 1X, and 3ul DMSO to another tube of 3ml medium as vehicle control.

5. Vortex medium 30 seconds.

6. Add 90ul E2 medium or vehicle medium to each well containing 5ul cells, 96 well plate format.

Should I be adding the E2 directly to each well containing cells in hormone-stripped medium instead?

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