I am working on AKT phosphor and tot protein. I have blots with both proteins and need to quantify the phophoAKT band relatively to the total AKT band, both bands being detected by 2 different Ab.  When acquiring the signal (using a chemi geldoc system and a CCD camera, Alliance system) the pAKT band has a different threshold of saturation than the total AKT. For instance, if the saturation of pAKT band starts from 1.5sec of exposure, the total AKT band would start getting saturated at 0.5s. My question is this one: when doing the ration pAKT/totAKT, which exposure time should I pick for each band? should it be pAKT 1.4s/totAKT 0.4s (I picked 0.1s below the overexposure time to avoid using the threshold saturation value)? or should it be the same exposure time for both bands e.g. pAKT0.4s/TotAKT0.4s? I have noticed that depending of the exposure time, the value of the quantification vary.

Thank you for your insights.


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