Dear All,

I had performed TGA on freeze-dried sodium alginate. From the data, a few information was obtained:

(i). Onset Weight (%)

(ii). Onset Temperature (°C )

(iii). Area (%)

(iv). Maximum Temperature (°C)

I am facing some difficulty in making a meaningful interpretation of these data in relation to the bond/structural changes within the sodium alginate molecule upon irradiation. I am also not sure about what does onset weight and area means, and how relevant are these two data to my study on the thermal stability of irradiated biopolymer.

I am from food science background and my project concerns bioplastic synthesis. Hence, I am lacking in the knowledge of thermal characterization of polymeric material. I would appreciate any feedback to my inquiries, as well as suggestion(s) to interpret TGA data more meaningfully (as there are various options on the Pyris TA analyzer software which provides various thermal data).

Thank you.

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