
I have cloned a protein in pET 28a and expressed in Rosetta 2 cells. I could detect the protein with anti His antibody and also protein specific antibody in western. However on purification, I could not get yield. I have also checked with whole cell protein where I could not find large difference between the uninduced and induced cultures. Is there any means to increase the expression or yield. 

I have tried with various expression conditions like lower temperature for over night, lower concentration of IPTG, induction at 37 deg for 3 h with 1 mM and 0.3 mM IPTG. I could not find much variation in the expression. 

Could you suggest what can be done further.

FYI: the protein is active after Ni elution (0.8 mg/mL protein from 1L) and even after gel filtration (0.6 mg/mL where I have loaded 5 mL of the Ni fractions). 

Thank you.

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