Currently we culture our MDA-MB-231 cancer cells in DMEM (containing 25mM glucose) with 10% FBS + 1% PenStrep. I am wanting to assess the effects of different glucose concentrations (25 mM and 5 mM glucose) on metabolic pathways (glycolysis and b-oxidation) in these cells treated with ketone bodies. I have seen that one way of assessing low glucose concentrations in these cells would be to culture them in 25 mM glucose, glucose starve the cells and supplement with pure glucose at 5 mM before each experiment. I am worried that this would induce metabolic alterations consistent with acute hypoglycaemia and does not accurately depict long term normoglycaemic conditions! Can anyone perhaps help me with information on how I can culture these cells in 5 mM glucose without inducing metabolic alterations that will affect my experiments?